Friday, April 29, 2011

Fat Questions for 4/29/2011

 1) What is the coolest thing you learned about your classmates? What made it cool?
 First off I kind of hate using "cool" as an adjective, so I'll keep it out of this. I thought the best thing I heard was that one kid co-owned a store with her aunt. I think it's a wonderful thing when a kid and an adult relative so something like that together because it shows they have an interest in common. It's also good to see that kind of relationship because I think relationships between kids and their grownups should be cooperative and not adversarial. I was also impressed that a couple of them are able to build things and sell them. I guess the only reason is that I wish I could do that too, got a little jealous. Maybe they should have a class dedicated to building and scripting at Oceanside.

2) What are your hopes for this class? What do you hope to learn about Egypt?
 I hopes we can cover a lot of different aspects of this subject. I would like to learn about their religion and also how their society was structured. For example how were the state and religion related? What was the class structure and who had the power?
I also want to learn about what they accomplished scientifically and how they applied it to things like building the pyramids. You might be able to sneak a geometry lesson in when you talk about the pyramids. I'll probably think of some other stuff as we go along.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Little Blue Bacteria livin' on Titan

Hello, I'm a li'l blue bug living on Titan, Saturn's sixth moon. We're really far from the sun (Saturn's 888 million miles) so it's really cold here, about -290 degrees F. I live in a methane lake near the North Pole called Jingo Lacus.  It takes us  about 16 (15.9450 days to orbit Saturn, so we age pretty quickly it seems. Us Titanians are very different from you Earth folks. Instead of oxygen we breath hydrogen, react it with acetylene instead of glucose and exhale methane. Titan has lots of these lakes, plus we have water (frozen into ice, of course). Our atmosphere is mostly nitrogen and methane (98.4% N2 and 1.4%CH4 in the stratosphere and 95% N2 and 4.9% CH4 in the lower troposphere). We have a pretty good life here, us bacteria really don't feel the cold and lack of sunlight doesn't bother us either. Think I'm going to go for a swim, bye bye!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Chlorophyll Critter livin' on Mars and lovin' it mostly

Hiya, I live on Mars and am pretty happy, all chlorophyll and planty fiber, the atmosphere here is almost all carbon dioxide so I can breathe easy. Only problem is I have to live near the North Pole because there's some water here, not much, most of its frozen, but I get enough to get by.I don't get to move around a lot, need my water source, and it's really cold up here but I take some trips south and sometimes the temp gets up to 60 deg F, really balmy. ok, I'm off on a detour and frolic I need some warmth right now, thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Vapor critter livin' on da sun

this critter would consist of plasma since the temperature is so hot solid matter or even vapor wouldn't survive, it would be in constant motion and would be scattered all over the place. It would probably be dragged into the center and revolve around it and may even get converted into energy. It would not survive for very long and its existence would not be very pleasant.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fat Questions-Solar System (fixed version, read this one please)

1) What, in your own words, is the solar system? Explain in detail.
(do not google, I want YOUR opinion) The solar system has a star that we call the sun in the middle and eight planets orbiting around it. Most of the planets have moons (exceptions are Venus and Mercury) orbiting them. It also includes a "belt" of rocks floating in space between Mars and Earth. There's also floating rocks that sometimes land on earth, the moon and other planets, these are called meteors. There are also some bodies called "minor planets like Pluto. I'm not sure if I should include comets as part of the solar system since they just pass through (visitors).

2) What would you like to learn about the solar system? List several
topics. I would like to learn about all the planets in detail. Also how
the first four (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) are different from the
others (Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus). Another topic might be
other objects in the solar system like the various moons and asteroids.
Finally how it was formed, how old it is and how long it will last.

Fat Questions - Solar System

23 Mar
1) What, in your own words, is the solar system? Explain in detail.
(do not google, I want YOUR opinion) The solar system has a star that we call the sun in the middle and eight planets orbiting around it. Most of the planets have moons (exceptions are Venus and Mercury) orbiting them. It also includes a "belt" of rocks floating in space between Mars and Earth. There's also floating rocks that sometimes land on earth, the moon and other planets, these are called meteors. There are also some bodies called "minor planets like Pluto. I'm not sure if I should include comets as part of the solar system since they just pass through (visitors).

2) What would you like to learn about the solar system? List several topics. I would like to learn about all the planets in detail. Also how the first four (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) are different from the others (Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus). Another topic might be other objects in the solar system like the various moons and asteroids. Finally how it was formed, how old it is and how long it will last.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Three Things assignment

Fat Questions for 3/18

1) Do you prefer to work in groups or on your own? Explain your choice and give example.
It depends on the assignment. I prefer to work on my own if it's something like answering questions like the last assignment from the last term where we had to answer questions about Earth and Mars. That required some research on my own, and I was able to concentrate better.
I think working in groups is good if we are asked to maybe solve a problem that we don't know anything about. Different people have different experience levels and everyone has something to contribute. An example would be if you asked us to maybe plan a colony on the moon, it would help to have several people working it out, different people in the group can take responsibility for different aspects of the project and it would be much more efficient than trying to figure out everything on your own.
Another example from my RL past, I took a course in cognitive psychology and several of us formed a study group in which each person had to summarize one chapter from the textbook. It was very helpful preparing for exams.

2) What are the consequences for bullying and disruptions of class? Be specific.
 Oh no, I didn't write those down. I think the first offense gets a verbal warning, second offense is a letter to the parents and the third offense gets you a trip to the principal's office where you have to explain why you shouldn't be kicked out from the class.

What do I expect?

What do YOU expect? Assignment (Due Feb 18th)

Now that I've told you my expectations of a good student, what are your expectations of a good teacher?

A good teacher is someone who, hopefully, expects a lot from her students, but who is also aware of their limitations, is patient, but pushes. I like teachers who challenge me to get beyond where I am. Another thing I hope for is one who will be available for help, will listen, and help keep me on the right path.

Tell me about the best teacher you've ever had. What made that person such a good teacher?

I've never had a teacher in SL before, but if I could pick one in RL it would be my high school AP English Literature teacher. She always expected us to put out our best efforts, was quick with a joke, never belittled anyone and took every question seriously. She was one of the few teachers in my high school who actually respected her students.

Now that I've told you some of my ideas about how we will go about learning this year's material, tell me about how you learn best. Give me an example of a project or unit where you learned a lot. Describe the project in detail.

I learn best by total immersion in the subject matter. I'm not the quickest at picking up new things, i have to find a quiet place and forget everything except for the task at hand. I can't think of a specific project, but when I took Linear Algebra in University I was able exceed even my expectations, but it took a lot of time. I made it to every class, took lots of notes and read the book the way a math book should be read. That means reading every section 2-3 times, working through all of the examples given, reading and copying out whatever proofs there were and doing lots of problems, beyond what was assigned. The class only met for 2-1/2 hours once a week, but I must have spent at least 20 hours per week preparing. That's the only way that seems to work for me.

I do not work well under pressure, Example: the last class of the previous term we had a substitute teacher. We had to do 4 very intensive in-class assignments that included research and answering questions, with very little time to get them done. I was not able to do my best under those circumstances and don't think I did very well. I'm something of a perfectionist and need sufficient time to get an assignment done right.

I hope this is acceptable, and look forward to a wonderful term with you.

Scotty (Tremont) Stormcrow

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Life on Venus (Not)

Dear Phoebie,
Hiya sister, hope you mommy and daddy and the other one are doing well, I'm not. It's horrible here on Venus, we gots sulfuric acid rainin' down all the time, need to where a oxygen tank because the atmosphere is all carbon dioxide. I need to spend most of my time underground it's just too hot here. They talk about greenhouse gases on earth, but this place is the real thing, talk about you global warming. Ya know, way back this planet was a lot like earth, but something went wrong and it started to heat up, all the water evaporated and we're left with this mess. Funny how it's called Earth's "sister planet", they couldn't be further apart.
Okay sis, enough griping from here, I hope to get home soon, hugs to all of yas.
You're li'l bro Scotty

What kind of critter could live on Mercury and how?

I don't think any could live there but if they did they would probably have to live underground since it's either too hot (800 degrees F daytime) or too cold (-300 F nighttime) to be on the surface. And since Mercury is mostly made of heavier elements (mainly iron) then the critter would probably be made of the same stuff, kind of a metal person, a lump of ore. It wouldn't move much, just sit underground and wait for something better to happen.
This makes for another question: Mercury is closest to the sun, is a ball of metal, so it doesn't sound like there's a lot of organics (molecules of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen, plus other lighter elements). So I'm thinking that this alien would be like one of the clay people from the 1930's Flash Gordon shows, but made of iron somehow.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Some Stuff to Think About

Source: Halliday Resnick & Walker, Fundamental of Physics, Sixth Edition
Let's remember:
Our Earth is not the center of the Solar System
Our Sun is but one star among many in our Galaxy.
Our Galaxy is but one of many, and our Sun is an insignificant star in it.
Our Earth has existed for perhaps only a third of the age of the universe and will surely disappear when our Sun burns up its fuel and becomes a red giant.
Our species has inhabited Earth for less than 3 million years, a blink in cosmological time
But guess what?
All the laws of physics that taught us this stuff tell us this:
The laws of physics hold, as far as we know, throughout the known universe.
And the laws of physics were uncovered on Earth. And much remains to be discovered.
The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Letter to my sis: This New Job Stinks!

Dear Phoebie,
Hi sis, greetings from Mercury. Hope you, mom, dad and Chey are doing well. I'm not.
You know I got posted here as a metallurgy guy to try and find out if there's a profitable way to extract some of these metals and get them back to earth, and frankly, I think it's a big fail.
Take a look at this pic on the postcard, I'm stuck on a line between day and night, We're only 58 million km from the sun so it's too darn hot during the day (800 degs F) on one side and bloody cold (-300 deg F) at night. Since there's no atmosphere I've gotta where a suit all the time. The temp difference between day and night means I always have to following this line between the side facing the sun and the one facing away (hence the temp difference, the sunny side is always hot and the night side is always facing into the cold void of space). But guess what, the line keeps shifting because like all planets Mercury rotates, so I'm constantly moving, dodging asteroids and all kinds of junk that just keep landing here. And since it's smaller than earth I had to learn to walk all over again since I'm about 50 pounds lighter than I would be at home.That means it's harder to move, and I have to keep moving all the time, no time to do the assessment I was sent here to do. I wanna come home! I can't keep this up! Mercury is a horrible place to live plus have to do a job! But they won't let me, they tell me I have to stay at least six months.Please tell mom and dad to make sure there are plenty of adult beverages when I get home, I'm gonna need 'em, plus about 2 years of therapy. Love you sis, can't wait to get home again, hugs.

Drawing Assignment: Scotty on Mercury

Friday, February 25, 2011

Snow White & Rose Red Fat Questions

  1. Describe the sisterly bond between Snow White and Rose Red.

    They may as well have been twins, they were always together, walked hand in hand when they were outside and shared everything they had. They were not entirely alike though. Snow White was quiet and shy and would spend her time in the house helping her mother. Rose Red was more energetic and spent lots of time outdoors. Their closeness comes out in the way they deal with the nasty dwarf, they worked together to free the little wretch when he was in trouble and went about their business together when they were done with him. And at the end of the story Snow White married the kings son that got turned into the bear and Rose Red married his brother, the two girls were determined to stay together forever.
  2. How is the story similar/different to the modern Snow White?
    The "Modern" Snow White is an invention of the writers at the Walt Disney Studios. The dwarf in Snow White and Rose Red was ugly, evil and malicious, never gave thanks no matter how many times the girls saved his bacon and came to a well deserved bad end.He also survived by stealing and not doing his own work. In the modern (Disney) version there are 7 dwarves. They are all fat, cute and cuddly and work really hard for their living.
    Snow White has no sister in the modern tale and it is the prince, not Snow White, that is under enchantment, having been turned into a bear.That's all.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

third class thoughts

EEP, Ms Brooke really put us through our paces tonight, had a great time. I love this fairy tale unit we're doing, it helps us learn to be creative and helps our writing too. Can't wait until Friday.

AT Wolf letter to Gma

Dear Gma Wolf,
Thank you for your support through my ordeal. I really should have listened to you and moved back to "the 'hood" when I had the chance but hard times made me look for better pickin's, so I went for the best bacon in town. I got a great lawyer, not some public defender that always tells you to just "Guilty your honor, kill me now", we made a deal. I get a reduce charge of involuntary manslaughter and 3-5 years in the slammer, not he big needle. Hopes you're still around when I get out, love ya, and keeps the pigs outta da hood ok?
Your Gnbaby,
Alex Wolf

Letter to Alexander T. Wolf

Dear Mister Wolf:
As your attorney in this matter I am very angry at the way the pig family's survivor tried to paint you as a monster. The prosecutor is out of control, thinking he's going to be "tough on crime" by demanding the death penalty, but I would like to make a deal. I've worked out a plea with the DA for the charge to be reduced to Involuntary Manslaughter, which means you'll only get 3-5 years. Please let me know at our next meeting.

Your Lawyer Guy,
Scotty Andrew Stormcrow, PC

LGH Drawing Assignment

Little Golden Hood's Fat Questions

How were Golden Hood's instructions from her mother different from Little Red's? Do you think they're any better/worse?

Little Golden Hood's mother instructed her to go straight to Grandma's house, deliver the cake and come straight back home. She also told LGH not to stop on the way or talk to anyone. LRRH's mother just told her to take the cakes and butter, with no other instructions.
LGH's mother, it seems, was testing her to see if she was ready to take on some responsibility. The first thing she said was "Let us see if you can find the way by yourself." I think they were better than those from LRRH's mother's because LGH's mother knew or might have known of possible danger. Instructing LGH to go straight to granma's and come straight back without talking to anyone were out of concern for her safety. Needless to say LGH failed the test.

How is the wolf's end different from the Andrew Lang's version of Little Red Riding Hood? Is this how you would have ended the story? Explain.

It's a very different ending in that it was the wolf, not LGH and her granma, that came to a bad end. There was no intervention by a passing huntsman. The wolf suffered horribly from the magic of LGH's hood and the granma was the real heroine. She must have been a witch.
Andrew Lang's version is different from the original Grimm version in that both LRRH and the grandmother were eaten. 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Thinking about our last class

Happy, was able to get rid of the shy and participate.
Had a good time, thought the discoussin about were fairytales come from was useful, but it could have gone on longer.I like being here, feel safe and all the other kids are nice.
Oh, and did I say anything about the teacher?: Hey Miss Brooke, you rock!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Little Red Riding Hood Fat Questions 2/18/2011

1. Do you think the mother should have sent Little Red Riding Hood on such a long way by herself? Why?

Yes and no. Yes because she knew the way and was described as being very good. I sounded to me like she had made the journey on her own before. No because she didn't seem to be mature enough to understand the possible dangers. She let her business be made known to the wolf, accepted his suggestion of how to get to granma's house, and then took her time getting there. She ran around the woods gathering flowers and doing other stuff when she should have been delivering the cakes and butter. I don't think the mother knew how LRRH would behave, so No outweighs Yes.

2. How is the wolf's end different from other common versions of Little Red Riding Hood? Explain.

This version is different from the original Grimm story in that the huntsman looks in the window and just shoots the wolf dead, In the original version LRRH is eaten by the wolf too. The hunter comes in, kills the wolf and cuts its body open and rescues both the grandmother and LRRH.

Thoughts on my first day at school

Yes, I was nervous and not well prepared for what went on but I'm grateful that I'm not the only one. I liked the activities, especially the "3 things" assignment (even though I can't draw my way out of a paper bag). I think this is going to be a great class, can't wait for tonight's.

Monday, February 14, 2011

My class blog

This is for Miss Brooke's class at Oceanside Elementary School.